I have had the stupidest week. Mercury must be retrograde, or something, because I keep having the dumbest stuff happen. All me doing dumb things and having major oversights.
Today was the Best/Worst. I was making coffee in the kitchen around 9:00 when I saw a stray cat sauntering up the back walk. Not a rare occurrence, since cats seem to love invading our back yard, even in winter. Many of them use the lawn as a litter box, other snoop around for food. At least two have even visited Darwin at the dining room window.
You all know I love animals, especially cats, so it should come as no surprise that I was curious and sympathetic for the cat. It was cold this morning, and this cat looked lost/scared/hungry. It actually came right up the back steps and started crying to me. Awwwww.
Now, remember, I had not yet had coffee, and my mind/motor functioning was still impaired. So what did I do? I opened the door to see if the critter had a collar or was a housecat. How I would actually know if the cat had an owner was beyond me. Whatever, right?
I opened the door, the cat came in. Walked right in like he owned the place. And he was a HE, still intact and everything. Warning Number 1. He entered the kitchen, swishing his huge, puffed up tale. Warning Number 2. I tied to shoosh him out, but he just froze. I came up behind him, and picked him up...
Well, you can guess the rest.
Luckily, I dropped him right away. He scurried back into the mudroom and hid under the table. I had wicked scratches over the back of my right hand near my wrists, and my right thumb has a really bad bite. After I stopped most of the bleeding, I calmly opened the back door. The cat calmly walked to the exit and looked sadly back at me as I closed him out.
At the same time, Melissa came in and told me about HER bad news. I was a bit shaken up over the vicious attack. And how very STUPID I was. I mean, duh, who lets a stray into their house before they've even had bloody coffee?!?! My had hurts and I don't know if I should go to the hospital for a tetanus booster or anything. Anyone have a suggestion?